Animals have been a life-long passion of mine. I have always felt fortunate that from a very early age, I knew why I was here, on this planet, at this time. I’ve always felt a profound feeling of kinship with animals as well as a need to protect them. This affinity is not something I consciously chose. Rather, it chose me. It is both a blessing and a curse. My empathetic nature ensures that I feel both deep joy and intense pain through my connection to the animal world. I wouldn’t change that. I know it is why I’m here. I know I have responsibilities and work to do to honor that. The trick is to do so in a healthy, productive way!
Having worked for decades in the field of animal rescue, I became keenly aware of the concept of Compassion Fatigue. I knew firsthand that continuous exposure to difficult, often-tragic situations had taken a toll on my physical and mental health as well as my outlook on life. I also knew several others dealing with the detrimental effects of working in a caring field; nurses, caregivers, and police officers, to name just a few. I decided to learn more about what causes CF and how to heal from it, and along the way became a certified compassion fatigue coach.
It’s now my honor to be in a position to help others experiencing compassion fatigue, either through group or one-on-one coaching, in addition to art therapy workshops.
For me, making art has always served as a sort of therapy; a way to treat myself to time away from the pressures and emotional stress often associated with working in a caring field. Whether painting, art journaling or creating mixed media art, the creative process has always been healing for me and I know it can make a positive difference in your life, too!