
First and always foremost, ANIMALS.  I have always felt fortunate that from a very early age, I knew why I was here, on this planet, at this time.  A profound feeling of kinship, and the need to protect animals of all kinds, is not something I consciously chose.  Rather, it chose me.  It is both a blessing and a curse.  My empathetic nature ensures that I feel both deep joy and intense pain through my connection to the animal world.   I wouldn’t change that.  I know it is why I’m here.  I know I have responsibilities and work to do to honor that. 

Making art has always served as a sort of therapy.  Assemblage art was a way for me to take the old and cast-off remnants of life and re-assemble them into something meaningful and beautiful.  When I started painting, I realized that I felt a need to portray animals in a whimsical, happy and hopeful way.  By donating a portion of the proceeds from my art to animal causes, I feel that I bring my life purpose full circle.

